Whitepaper: Getting Your Compliance House in Order

March 17, 2025
Connie Song

A sound compliance strategy requires a strong understanding of industry regulations and guidance regarding auto repossessions and third-party vendors. This is critical to protecting your assets and your business. The right partnerships, practices and tools can support your compliance efforts and help you avoid costly mistakes and litigation.

In our whitepaper, we outline how you can build a strong compliance “house” related to oversight of third-party vendors:

  • Foundation: Understand basic elements of industry regulation and guidance
  • Framing: Develop compliance criteria, guidelines and processes and determine compliance vendor needs
  • Roof: Implement plan and tools for maintaining compliance through a changing landscape

MBSi understands compliance is a critical priority for our clients. We partner with our clients to understand their requirements and work with numerous industry and regulatory organizations to help our clients understand their specific compliance-related needs and priorities. As a leading Software as a Service (SaaS) provider in the auto finance industry, we are committed to developing technology solutions that increase efficiency, security and compliance, helping our clients streamline operations and minimize risk.

  • Our RecoveryConnect platform and mobile app offer real-time tools in the industry to mitigate risk and prevent unintended repossessions that can lead to compliance violations.
  • With our VendorConnect compliance management system, lenders can partner with ARA or RISC to access the most comprehensive list of vetted and compliant third-party vendors in the industry.

Together, these platforms seamlessly integrate recovery case management and third-party vendor vetting and oversight with data-driven automation, mobile technology and other solutions to ensure system-wide compliance.  

Read the full whitepaper to learn more about building your compliance house and how MBSi can help. If you’d like to see a demo or talk more about your specific compliance needs, contact us at sales@mbsicorp.com.

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