Case Study: How SCR Group Increased Workflow Efficiencies by 75% with RecoveryConnect

February 14, 2025
Connie Song


SCR Group has been providing field services for the auto/motorsport, mortgage, personal credit, and credit card-lending industries for over 20 years. The company works directly with their network of service providers to provide quality and consistent services to clients.

When it comes to the field-service industry, efficiency in managing volume workflows is the key to success. That is why SCR Group chose RecoveryConnect as their workflow management system. Scott Reynolds, CEO of SCR Group told MBSI, “The functionalities within RecoveryConnect gives our team the necessary tools to seamlessly manage our workflow processes.”

SCR Group’s Achievements with RecoveryConnect

Consolidate Error-Prone Process into a 10 Second Task with Bulk Updates

By using RecoveryConnect’s bulk update capabilities, SCR Group consolidated manual and error-prone processes into a 10 second task. With bulk updates, they set the criteria based on their preferences in strategically managing workflow. This includes updating due dates, mass labeling accounts, and communication with their provider network.

Ease of Communication Management Using Search Functionality

RecoveryConnect’s search function equips users with the ability to quickly locate information on any case. The search function’s granularity allows SCR Group to quickly locate case information and communicate with internal staff, clients and service providers.

Compliance Management Made Easy Within RecoveryConnect

Not only does RecoveryConnect make quality control more efficient, the platform also features a compliance trail, which helps showcase all of SCR Group’s workflow activity. In an industry with many compliance requirements, this gives transparency for the owner-operator, drivers, and lenders.

Quick Case Management Overview with Reporting Capabilities

RecoveryConnect’s reporting capabilities make it easy for SCR Group to stay aware of individual case statuses by providing quick reporting and review. These cases can be retrieved by acceptance date, delivery date, and more.


SCR Group estimates they have reduced manual workflow processes by 75% by maximizing the functionality of RecoveryConnect. “I am certain,” says Scott, “that SCR Group, from a volume perspective, benefits extremely by using RecoveryConnect due to its flexibility, intuitiveness, and reliability.”

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